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6th January, 2014

व्यापार में जोखिम

Brett Steenbarger ने अपने शानदार ब्लॉग में लिखा है : कुछ समय पहले , एक व्यापारी ने मुझे बताया कि वह अपने पैसे को बाज़ार में हर साल दोगुना कर रहा था और मुझसे पुछा क्या आपमेरे पास पैसे निवेश करेगें । मैंने तुरंत इंकार कर दिया । जोखिम और पुरस्कार हमेशा आनुपातिक होता है । जो यह समझ गया, उसने Madoff के साथ निवेश नहीं किया । मैं अनुभव से जानता हूँ की किसी समय मैं अपने एक व्यापार पर १० गुना ज्यादा आहारन करूंगा यदि मैं उस पर जोखिम लेने केतैयार हूँ । यदि मैं अपने पूँजी का १% जोखिम लेने के लिए तैयार हूँ तो मुझे भविष्य मैं किसी बिंदु पर अपने पूँजी मैं १०% की पूँजी मैंगिरावट को सहने के लिए तैयार रहना होगा । यदि मैं अपने पूँजीका 5% जोखिम लेता हूँ , तो अन्तः मुझे आधे धन का नुकसान होगा।प्रयाकिता और मनोविज्ञान मंदी सुनिश्चित करते है , बुद्धिमान व्यापारी उसके लिए योजना बनाता है मेरे नोट्स : यदि आप ज्यादा पुरस्कार चाहते है तो आप को अधिक जोखिम लेना होगा । Brett Steenbarger in his excellent blog: Some time ago a trader told me that he was doubling his money in the market and asked

2nd January, 2014

Trader’s New Year Resolutions

2014 starts with Jitender Yadav's valued contribution. He writes.. Year 2013 has ended and this is once again the time when most of us make resolutions for the New Year

2nd January, 2014

Trading Success: Secrets of William O’Neil

I take this opportunity to wish all our readers and well-wishers a very happy and a profit-makingnew year! However, i feel that New Year doesn't make us happy on its own. We have

30th December, 2013

The case for optimism

I picked up this link from The Future Tense Fabrice Grinda at LeWeb 2013: The Case for Optimism from Fabrice Grinda

26th December, 2013

Is it possible to do better than Warren Buffet.

A very happy New Year to all readers and their families! Enterprising Investor gives Mr Buffet's annual returns as 19% in excess of the treasury bill rate. Forbes says " Since taking