On July 31, at the close of trading the Nifty was at 4332.05, Today, as the month & F&O settlement comes to an end soon, the Nifty closed at 4337.
Short term trading is all about momenum. The trader has limited time at his disposal. He requires an almost immediate move in his favor. Since this will not happen all
Nouriel Roubini is now the world's most famous economist for having correctly predicted the sub prime crisis. On August 20, in his blog, http://www.rgemonitor.com/, he writes: 1. This is by far
Friday evening is a good time to review the market, take a slightly longer term view, wander about, sit back and relax. The Very long term: This is a long
Here is a view on the state of the world: Puru Saxena (http://www.purusaxena.com/) quoted in fullermoney.com, says: Lets face it, the era of easy money and cheap oil has come