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14th October, 2008

Nifty fails to rally – Some disappointment.

First, a thank you to Indian bureaucracy. You saved this country from sub-prime or similar disasters. By remaining convervative in your approach, insisting on a proper regulatory environment, the Reserve

13th October, 2008

Relief Rally comes as a Relief.

Governments join hands to save banks. The net result is : The financial services sector is effectively nationalised. How things change! Just a new months ago, privatization was the way

11th October, 2008

Manage your Risk, let the market decide its low point.

From Behind the Headlines comes advice that perfectly echoes what I think & say. "And shame on everyone who thinks they know where the market will bottom, when the market will bottom

10th October, 2008

Markets Crash World Wide

As India wakes up to start a new day of trading, markets have crashed world over. The Dow closed at 8579, down 678. The Nikkei is down 974 points at

10th October, 2008

Markets Crash World Wide

As India wakes up to start a new day of trading, markets have crashed world over. The Dow closed at 8579, down 678. The Nikkei is down 974 points at