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5th January, 2009

Buying into Strength.

We have an old adage: Buy Low and Sell High. Yet, we can never say what the actual Low is? Therefore, if you, the trader believe that prices are likely

5th January, 2009

Short Term Trading

Many readers are serious students of technical trading. (Many are looking for tips, probably disappointed that these 'tips' are not available in the blog). For the serious student, here is

5th January, 2009

Did you Buy at 2975 ?

In an earlier post, I suggested that aggressive traders should buy if the Nifty were to close above 2975. This was not a magic number. It was the mid point

4th January, 2009

Are the bulls coming ?

Sunday evening seems like a good time to visualize possibilities for 2009. While I prefer to follow market momentum (it is up, as of now), here is what investment wizards

3rd January, 2009

Take it Easy.

The Nifty continues to remain strong (while Friday did not see significant gains. Monday could be different with the Dow up 250+ points). For short term traders, buying should be