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26th January, 2009

Getting ready for tomorrow.

As I write this, the American Markets are enjoying a decent rally, almost 2%. Indian markets are in an intermediate downtrend. Rallies should be short lived. The bigger gains should

25th January, 2009

Difficult Times.

The CNBC-TV18 Investor Camp at Kolkata on Saturday Janaury 24 was a big success. The large hall was filled up. More important, the people who came were cheerful, smiling and

22nd January, 2009

The Swing may be up.

Yesterday evening, before the U.S. markets opened, I had suggested that day traders may have a buying opportunity today (thursday) since the Nifty has already seen two back to back

21st January, 2009

Intermediate Trend continues down.

The Nifty continued moving down, as the intermediate trend asserted itself. The big push is usually in the direction of the intermediate trend, which as we know, happens to be

21st January, 2009

Missing in Action.

I am away from Delhi for a week, staying in and around Kolkata. At some adventurous locations I do not have access to the internet. This means no newsletter for