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24th September, 2010

Even bull markets will correct.

A DOJI identified two days ago seems to be suggesting that a short term top is in place. For Nifty futures, 5950 remains the first level of support. A breakdown then shows

23rd September, 2010

Water, water, everywhere,

These lines come from a poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (published in 1798) , which speaks of a ship in the middle of the oceans, where Water, water, everywhere, Nor any

22nd September, 2010

Minimalism in Trading.

"Diversification is Dead" Portfolio. Find out where you should be investing. PDF download here. I came across an interview which I wanted to share with readers. Chicagosean - a trader interviews

21st September, 2010


In the near month contract for Nifty Futures (September), a DOJI has been made today. The DOJI is a bar in which the open and close are roughly equal. Today's

20th September, 2010

Should we worry about an impending top?

The Nifty has rallied 550 points from 5350 - in barely two weeks. This is a ten percent gain in two weeks - as good as it gets. The market