I am really glad to write this post after an absence of many weeks.
Markets are in fine shape. A stunning January rally has taken the Nifty to levels we only dared to dream of.
Meanwhile, the world goes on. Thoughtful traders keep on sharing their experiences. Here are some Gems of trading wisdom to share with you:
The QE just announced by Draghi in Europe does not impress Peter Boockvar, Chief Market Analyst,The Lindsey Group LLC. He says “Bottom line, as I doubt even the ECB believes that this news will directly increase bank lending, it is likely all about further weakening the euro.”
But, stocks are rising. Mr Boockvar is not impressed. He says “buying stocks on ECB QE news is more superstition than based on substance in the US.”
My Notes: QE has now become a well used instrument of Central Bank policy. It is not a surprise. A market rally based on QE should be short lived.
What will 2015 bring?
Adam grimes, author, blogger and trader, writes: “With regards to equities….. There could well be three to five years of upside”. And the sectors? “Healthcare, Financials and Technology” should outperform, while “energy, staples and materials” may lag.