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Market Sense and Nonsense.

I just downloaded this book “Market Sense and Nonsense – How markets really work (and how they don’t) by Jack Schwager in my kindle.

I am a voracious reader, willing to read anything on Technical Trading. A new book by Schwager (Author of the New Market Wizards and more..) is a MUST read.

As I started the book, I started laughing – the first chapter of the book is about the financial media. It is titled –
Expert Advice
Comedy Central versus

Well, I did not read the chapter, just skimmed through it, because I wanted to share this piece of information on the blog. Whatever I read confirms my anticipation that the chapter will a humorous read, quite delightful, I hope.

As an example: the chapter refers to Jim Kramer (host of Mad Money) saying “Bears Stearns is fine,keep your money in it. The author says, six days later, Bears Stearns went under, filing for bankruptcy.

I think the book will be a wake up call for all analysts, including me. I will keep you posted on my reading.

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