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A Passionate World

The world is changing faster and getting better, more comfortable day by day. But it is not changing automatically but many people are working hard to make our life easier. I want to discuss few names who became much more successful in their life and also contributed to society with their work.

Jack Ma is a chinese internet entrepreneur and founder of, an online business to business marketplace. Now his company is launching its IPO of 58B $. Mark Zuckerberg a dropout of Harvard University and founder of Facebook, a social networking site, his own net worth is 26.3B $. Jan Koum founder of WhatsApp, a free messaging android application, sold his company recently in 19B $. All of them belongs to middle class family.

All of them created a new era in internet world, benefited society at great extent and made up a hill of cash for their own. They done it because they were all passionate to do something, not just waiting to be lucky.

My point is if we want to be successful in trading also, then we also have to be passionate about our work, knowledge, analysis, discipline etc. We should love our work or love to work. Then only trading become more comfortable, fruitful and easy to get going.

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