I have just returned from Bangalore after attending the CNBC Investors camp in the morning. The meeting was truly a joy – a responsive , understanding audience is the best gift possible for the speakers and the Bangalore participants had these attributes.
I met a number of people who read and comment on this blog: It was a pleasure meeting you.
There are comments which need to be replied to. I will try today, otherwise tomorrow.
Much more important to think about are the changes planned for market trading hours in the NSE. SEBI has given approval for market timings to be between 9 AM and 5 PM. If NSE were to actual implement these timings, traders will have a 12 hour workday. No purpose will be served by extended working hours. Traders will get burned out. The work day will have to start at 8 AM, and end at 6 PM. Where is the time for analysis and contemplation?